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January 22, 2025
A Few Finishes from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

It has been about a week since I shared some finishes.  Things seemed to have slowed a bit around here.  I think the holiday lull has finally caught up.  Hopefully after this week we start seeing quilts move a bit faster.

First up is another patriotic churn dash quilt.  We still have quite a few blocks in stock from the last block drive.  I really like this combination of big and little blocks.

A nice flag print for the back thanks to Karen.  I think this lovely Veteran quilt is the 14th quilt we made from that block drive.

Barb ...

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January 1, 2025
Good Bye 2024! from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

 It is time to say goodbye to 2024.  It was a crazy, unexpected year for me and I think I am ready for it to end.  I am really looking forward to 2025.  Many Hands and Many Hearts should be an official 501c3 in a couple months and I know that is going to be fun to see.  I love my board members and all of them are enthusiastic and ready to see MHMH grow.

Here are a few more random finishes to close out the year.  Janet played with some lime and turquoise blocks.  Nann sent in this white ...

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October 7, 2024
Some Veteran Finishes from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

 Right now, we don't donate a lot of Veteran quilts (but I hope to change that in the future) so I just make sure a couple get finished every month.

This one was made by my good friend Jeanne.  The panel and the eagle fabric were all donated some time ago. 

This quilt measures about 60 x 72".

This wonderful quilt was made from scraps (the 6" alternate blocks) and 4-patches from our Churn Dash drive.  Someone had sent in a ton of the colonial blue and cream 4-patches.    I really wanted to showcase them in their own quilt ...

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August 7, 2024
Red White and Blue from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

I have been pulling out some of the Churn Dash blocks and making some quilts for deliveries in August and September.  These are the quilts for Veterans.

Churn Dash quilt #10 is this fun row quilt.  Local quilter Kelly finished this ne up for me.

Her quilting really shows up on the back - which was donated by Karen.

This quilt measures 60 x 66".

I put together this patchwork quilt made from some of the scraps from previous Veteran quilts.  I just cut 6" squares out of whatever I could.

Each square got a spiral quilted on it. The lovely ...

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July 11, 2024
RWB Churn Dash Block Drive Round Up from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

I promised you a summary of our latest Churn Dash block drive and I am finally getting around to it.  I was hoping I would receive some finished RWB quilts today so I could include them in this post but it just didn't happen.  I will still add a few photos to make it interesting...

We received 1428 blocks from 48 people which was just slightly lower than last year (but really not by much).  I have only finished 13 quilts so far.  Many are still in the pipeline at longarm quilters, waiting to be sewn together or waiting ...

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June 7, 2024
Churn Dash Quilt #9 from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

I finally finished up another quilt from our Veteran block drive. I still have a number of Churn Dash blocks and a few more tops ready to go.

This row quilt is Churn Dash Quilt #9.  truthfully, I have not been in a hurry to finish all these RWB quilts.  Right now, I only need to deliver 3-4 of these quilts about every five weeks. So the quilts made from the block drive should last almost all year. In the future, as we pick up more organizations to give them too, I will need many more made.  But right now ...

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May 10, 2024
Churn Dash Quilts #6 thru #8 from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

I don't know why this block drive seems to be taking its time to get going.  I have lots of blocks but other things seem to continually get in the way.

Quilt #6 is this lovely sashed layout of just large 12" blocks.  There wasn't enough of the red sashing material to sash around the outside.  I still like how it turned out.
I think all of these blocks and the red sashing material all came from Nann.

This quilt measures 54 x 68".

When the front blocks don't have a lot of patriotic fabrics in them ...

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May 3, 2024
Churn Dash Quilt #5 from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

 I was really hoping to have a second quilt to share today but I didn't get the binding sewn on in time.  My dog felt he needed to be snuggled more than he was getting.

I still had a few more of the big blue starred squares that were sent to me.  So I made a second quilt framing the smaller churn dashes with some red fabric and alternating them with the blue squares. 
 I really like how this layout looks.

This quilt measures 60 x 70"

Suzanne sent this blue and cream backing already sewn together.  That can ...

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April 26, 2024
Friday Finishes from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

I realized late today that I had not written my Friday post.  And I have three lovely Veteran quilts to share today!

This first RWB Churn Dash quilt I put together.  I used some of the 6" blocks for the center and then framed it with the 12" blocks.  This is quilt #2 of this block drive.

It is hard to see the fabric on the back, but it is a red black and white homespun fabric I have had for quite some time.

This quilt measures 60 x 72".

Cheryl sent in this churn dash quilt top.  I love ...

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April 12, 2024
Churn Dash 2024 Quilt #1 from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

It is finally time to reveal the first Churn Dash quilt from this year’s block drive.

I received a big stack of the blue and white star squares.  They were 9.5".  I didn't want to cut them down, so I grabbed some of the 6" churn dash blocks and framed them in some red fabrics.  I was able to use some red scraps I had from some of last years' quilts.

I really like how this quilt turned out.

I continued the star theme right onto the back.  
Even the striped binding has some little blue stars ...

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March 7, 2024
A Whole Lot of Scrappy from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

My postal carrier sure got a workout this week.  Kat sent me a giant boxed filled with miscellaneous items that weren't appropriate for Covered in Love.  Plus, occasionally, blocks from my block drive accidently go her way.  Ooops! I am sure there will be items I will need to send to her in the future.  We work together a lot!

(BTW - if you haven't heard, Kat has started her block drives up again.)

I also received a box of finished quilts from Sandra in the mail.  Check out this scrappy goodness!

It measures about 48 x 60".

Here ...

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February 29, 2024
Veteran Churn Dash Block Drive from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

 It is hard to believe that March is almost here.  That means it is time to get started on the next Compassion Quilt block drive!

We are going to repeat some blocks we did last year.  I had a lot of fun making the quilts and I think many of you enjoyed making the blocks.  For the next three months, we will be making these blocks for our Veterans - so the color scheme will be red, white and blue.

Rather than write a whole new post, I am just going to cut and paste the instructions from last year ...

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October 5, 2023
September Binding Challenge from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

"Churn Dash-Dash".  A funny title, isn't it?

Still, this quilt is done and can be added to the pile of finished quilts and can be used now at any time .... and I'm so thrilled with it!  It will be going on my bed soon as the nights are chilling down.

My hubby helped me display the quilt over the railing.  As you can see .... leaves are on the ground.  Autumn is definitely here and trees have been displaying their colours for quite a few weeks now.  Some trees started to turn colour back in August.
A close-up of ...

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June 22, 2023
Mad Dash from Wedding Dress Blue

I was searching for inspiration for a new leader-ender project and came across these little bags of (poorly cut) 3″ squares. In many different colors. (Thanks for the donation.)


Somehow my brain decided to try Churn Dash blocks…and then there was an insight, and I was off on a Mad Dash. I’ll share the insight, along with a tutorial, soon. But, in the meaning time I am dashing around, thrilled with a new idea.

If you have squares of any size(really…ANY size…even 3-5/8″, or something equally random) laying around without a purpose, I ...

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Churn Dash 2023 Roundup from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

 Now that we are well into our summer Compassion Quilt block drive, it is time for me to give you an overview on how we did in the Churn Dash drive that we did over the spring.

The block drive consisted of three different blocks this time.  You could make whatever combination of blocks you wanted.  It was fun to see what each package contained.

I received blocks from 52 quilters in two countries (thank you Canada!). A total of 1504 blocks were made.  (I didn't keep track of which size or configuration was received.)

The blocks made a ...

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June 16, 2023
The Final Churn Dash Quilts #25 and #26 from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

 Here they are...the last two Churn Dash quilts of 2023!

I really like this charming layout.  It is made from just the smaller 6" churn dash blocks and some 4 patches.  This is another kit sent in from Gail.  All I had to do was quilt it - she made the top and included the backing and binding.

I am really impressed with the depth of her fabric/scrap collection.

Another great wide backing on this quilt. 
Quilt #25 measures 66 x 78.

So let's finish off this drive with a spectacular layout design.  Quilt #26 is made with ...

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June 14, 2023
Churn Dash Quilts #23 and #24 from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

 I have a couple special quilts to share today.  

They are special because all I had to do was quilt them!  

Gail is so generous and not only makes a ton of blocks but she also sews them into tops and then sends them to me with backings and prepared bindings.  I love seeing how she puts her blocks together.

How awesome is this layout!  I love how she used he 4 patches for sashing.  It gives this quilt such a scrappy feel.  And you know I love scrappy! 

On the back, is a mottled RWB fabric.  She always sends ...

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June 11, 2023
Oh Scrap! : Prepping Scraps from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

 I took some time this weekend to prep and organize all the scraps from the Churn Dash block drive and box them up for next year.

First thing that went in the box are all of the leftover blocks. There are both white based and cream based blocks and I don't have enough of either to make a full quilt.  These will be used to get me started next March.

I also used any large chunks (like trimmings from backs of quilts) to make some bindings for next year's quilts.  They will be nice to have on hand ...

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June 9, 2023
Churn Dash Quilts #20, 21 And 22 from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

 Can you believe we are already sharing quilt #22 for the Churn Dash block drive?!

The quilts for this drive are finally winding down and I am cleaning up the fabric and leftover blocks to use next year.  But I still have a few more quilts to finish up!

Most of the quilts being delivered this month are for adults so when I saw that some of the Churn Dash blocks I received had some fun novelty fabric in them, I saved them to make this fun quilt.  It has lots of dogs, sock monkeys, baseballs and other playful prints ...

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May 31, 2023
Churn Dash Quilts #18 and #19 from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

 I can't take much of the credit for these two finishes.  These two quilt tops were made by Gail and sent to me as a kit with backings and prepared bindings.  All I had to do was quilt it up and sew the binding!

Just when I think there really can't be too many more layouts for these blocks, Gail's quilts show up and I fall in love with how she put these tops together.  In this layout, she used the four patches to make an alternate block to the large Churn Dash.

She also used four ...

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